Obama, I understand, is a big ol' geek. That's why I'm sure he'd love this rendition of himself as Phil Jimenez's Blue Lantern.
Sometimes I have something to say, and here is where I say it. Lots of talk about disability, Ehlers Danlos syndrome, general geekiness, family and friends, and whatever shiny captures my attention at the moment.
Obama, I understand, is a big ol' geek. That's why I'm sure he'd love this rendition of himself as Phil Jimenez's Blue Lantern.
Ha! Ha! Too funny. "Barack Obama of Sector 2814. You have great hope. Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps!"
Facinating. Just one problem though. If you understood the morals and principles of a Blue Lantern then you'd know that Obama has one flaw that would not allow him into the Corps. He is for abortions. Therefore he is not accepted into the Blue Lantern Corps. I like Obama, he's a family man. But I don't agree with his decision on abortions. No one should if they truely value life. I hope that everyone can understand that.
Casey, Obama is for abortions being legal. And I am too. Bring me a world where 9 years olds don't get raped and impregnated by their own fathers, where one twin fetus doesn't start draining the life out of the other thereby killing them both, where fetuses don't die in utero and have to be surgically removed....bring me this world before you start on about how much you value life. Do you agree that abortion is called for in those cases? Then you agree that abortion should be legal. You don't think abortion should be available even when it is necessary to salvage life? Then stop with the "valuing life" rhetoric. Especially stop with it if you think the government should interfere with people's reproductive choices but don't think the government should use your precious precious precious tax dollars to help the less fortunate live comfortable lives. If you are willing to make other people's life decisions for them, pony up the bucks to help them deal with consequences of your decisions.
Blue Lanterns are NOT the best ppl to go to for family planning advice. Their chosen form of birth control is "hoping" they pulled out in time. Even that doesn't work every time without a Green Lantern around, and at that point its just freaky.
Actually, come to think of it, I'd buy that issue.
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