OK, first, I think I have tracked down my migraine-inducer to the latest GF flour I was using. Back to corn and buckwheat! But in the meantime, I have a mouthful of cold sores and the intestinal distress that lets me know that things don't look so great on the inside either. One week and running. So to speak. Maybe by the end of this week, it will finally all be out of my system. But I have a lot of this flour leftover. Any ideas on what to do with it?
Second, it's hell time at work, which means a lot more physical movement than my joints like. Everything hurts. Except for the things which are tingly with pinched nerves. Things like, oh, my hands.
Third, I'm not very happy with people purposely getting in the way of me doing things that make my work place more accessible or with them making comments about how I do things. I don't care if it isn't the way you do things. It's the way I do it.
But fourth is funny. My housemate just woke up screaming and prancing around from a giant cockroach having run into his pajamas. I only have pain. He has a cockroach in his drawers. I think I'm ahead.
"My housemate just woke up screaming and prancing around from a giant cockroach having run into his pajamas. I only have pain. He has a cockroach in his drawers. I think I'm ahead."
Yep, I'd have to agree;)!
Add a little water to the flour, make sculptures with the dough, let the sculptures harden, then paint them. (I should tell you that I just made that up. I have no idea what would happen if you actually did that.)
And you're definitely ahead. Not just a cockroach in his pants, but a giant cockroach... Very traumatizing--though I guess better than a wasp or a hornet in his pants!
My flour dilemma was solved, courtesy the US postal system. May 10th turned out to be the day they collect packaged food for the area food bank. Somewhere now there is a gluten-intolerant or wheat-allergic person getting three full bags of GF flour. I hope they don't also turn out to be allergic to whatever it was that I turned out to be allergic to, but I suppose the chances of that are slim.
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